• Have a question about the school or state policy, procedures ,or anything regarding the health or wellfare of your child?

    1. Q What is the New Jersey Department of Health's policy regarding the administration of medicine while children are in school?
      A Before any medication may be administered in school, a written request from the parent is required. In addition, the written order of the prescribing physician is required which shall include the purpose of the medication,dosage,time and circumstances under which the medication shall be administered.
    2. Q What should I do if my child travels out of state during COVID-19 pandemic?A You must notify the school nurse or teacher about any out of state travel plans. The NJ Department of Health updates the website every Tuesday on states that you should quarantine after traveling to that state.  The link to website is covid19.nj.gov. It is extremely important in the event that you travel to a state that is listed your child must quarantine for 14 days and be out of school.  They can work remotely and that can be discussed with their teacher
    3. Q What if there is a positive case of COVID-19 in the school?A All policies and procedures will be followed and guided by the Cape May County Department of Health and CDC.  Information to follow should there be a postive case.